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Natasha Young was born in 1998 and is a Birmingham based artist. She is currently in the process of earning her Fine art degree at Birmingham School of Art. Natasha became interested in art at a young age and has studied the subject throughout her education. Her work is influenced by light and colour and this is shown throughout the photographic processes she uses within her work. She also works with watercolour within her work and paid commissions. Natasha`s art career aspiration is to become an art teacher; she is currently working with Sandwell College at assisting and creating craft workshops for a range of students with varying abilities.      

Artist Statement

My current work explores the connection between artist and nature. The work has a mix of watercolour, photographic processes and nature using the water and sunlight. I utilize these elements by using them within the process of cameraless photography. I predominately use the process of Cyanotype. I use this process as I need sun to activate the paper and water to reveal the final image, and this how I collaboratively work with nature I find the process of image development fascinating.  The composition of the processed images takes form of a landscape which evokes memory, through documentation of the surrounding environments.  

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